A Letter to Myself

Dear Nanci,

Today you are feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Today you're wondering why everyone always seems to dump onto you their own insecurities by way of curse words, rude words, or no words at all. Today you are feeling like you're fighting an uphill battle. Today is one of those days that if the wrong person does the wrong thing, says the wrong thing, look at you the wrong way, even BREATH in wrong way, you HOPE your sister has the bail money at the ready. You know that the reality is, you WON'T do anything that will literally land you in jail, however you're having one of those days where you feel you're going to snap at any giving moment. You are feeling kind blah and don't know what to do. You're keeping busy just so that you're not in bed all day which is really what you want to be doing. You know that this is vital for you because the minute you allow yourself to slip into a depressive episode, you're going to feel stuck. You cannot get stuck. You know that Nedia, Brooke, Alicia, Chad, James, Terri, Janice, and a whole host of other people are a phone call away but you still feel frustrated and dumped on. You feel...ALONE. Today is also the day that while you don't the greatest about yourself, you will hear a song that will remind you that God loves you. The song will remind you that He loves like a hurricane and you are a tree. The song will touch a part of you so forgotten that you will sit behind the wheel of the car and cry and not fully understand why you are crying. It's a cleansing cry. You know that God DOES love you. He knows your inner most thoughts. He knows your heart. He knows that your tears are liquid prayers for all those words unspoken. He knows that you might feel weak. He wants you to place that weakness in His hand.

Today, Nanci, you feel a whole host of emotions that have you slightly overwhelmed. Your anxiety level is very,, very high. Nanci, I'm writing you this letter to let you know that it is okay. You ARE okay. It's okay to feel like you feel, but don't get stuck there. Do not shut down. Do your best to keep moving. Keep fighting. Keep PRAYING. Keep knowing that God loved you so. Today is just today. Tomorrow is a new day full of new hope and new life. Live it out loud even when you're fighting uphill battles.

Be blessed. Be bold. Be beautiful.


The Nanci You're Striving to Be


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