
I offended someone this week for being concerned for their well being. Sadly, they did not see it that way. My assumption is that they took it as me being nosey or trying to be all in their business. Whatever the reason they were so offended by it that I got an angry phone call full of loaded words and insults and a subsequent unfriending on Facebook.

This story is not uncommom. Often times when we are offended or if someone has made us mad, one of the first things we do is go to our social media avenues and unfriend, unfollow, and block the offending party. WE. ALL. DO. IT. We do not take the time to pick up the phone (other than to go to our social media pages) call the other person and TALK it out. It's unfortunate. Great relationships end and can seemingly never be repaired because of our actions on social media. 

While I am not upset or hurt by the actions of the person who called me with colorful words then unfriended me, it made me glad that God won't just push a button and block us or unfriend us or unfollow us. We all do some really offensive things. We all sin. We all have done some things that if God had a Facebook page, we'd be unfriended. Thank God that His grace and mercy does not work like that. 

Mostly, I am thankful for prayer. It is the best form of connection with God there is. I can call Him and talk it out with Him. He loves us and He calls us friend. Although I know there are times when I do some really stupid stuff, I'm so glad that He won't simply push a button on the computer and not be able to see the beautiful pictures of my kids that I post almost weekly. 

God, thanks for being my friend.

Be blessed. Be bold. Be beautiful. 


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