Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is a psychological occurrence which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud.
A friend of mine got me hip to the idea of imposter syndrome a couple of years ago. When I looked into it and fully learned what it was, I felt like a fraud for even thinking I was gifted enough to THINK I deal with imposter syndrome.
That's a mental conundrum if I've ever seen one.
It's an overwhelming feeling to know that you are gifted. It's an even more phenomenal experience when you share your gift and people actually appreciate you and that gift. I feel like I'm stuck between wanting to fully immerse myself into the world where my gifts lead me and being just wanting to continue to see myself as a supporting actor.
I'm an overthinker. My overthinking causes anxiety. My anxiety tells me that I should stop.
It's easy for the people in my bubble to support what I'm doing because they love me and want to see me thrive. What happens when the 'world' gets a hold of my gifts and think that I'm full of shit; that everything about what I do is rudimentary? This is imposter syndrome as I see it. This is what I'm learning about it:
I can be a supporting actor and still be a star!🌠🌠
Be blessed.
Be bold.
Be beautiful.
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