Teaching the Masses

When I was in the 5th grade, I was in the Future Educators of America Society. I didn't think about what that meant for me then but I wanted to be a member because I was able to work in the school office and answer the phones. Fast forward 8 years to my freshman year of college where I had declared myself an English Education major. After two years of the program I decided that I didn't like the education component so I stuck with the English part and graduated with a BA in English. Not sure what I would or could do with such a degree, I did what I could for as long as I could to make some money. In the summer following graduation I worked in Washington DC as an intern. About a week before I was due to come home, I got a call from my sister-friend who happened to be the brand new principal at our parish school. She asked me if I wanted to teach. Here's a timeline.

August 11, 2006: Come home from DC
August 13, 2006: Go to church, talk to my sister-friend who told me that I was going to teach
                             Went on a youth retreat out of town 
August 16, 2006: Sign Contract for school year, begin looking over curriculum
August 21, 2006: First Day of School.

In a matter of a week or so, I became a junior high teacher. I literally fell in love with it. Of course, I had my ups and downs but I really enjoyed working with young people. What I loved most was the ability to share my love of God and His love for me with them. 

I stepped away from the classroom a couple years ago and was out of work for a while. It was a conscious choice. Although my 9-5 job is so far from education, I've been subbing at various schools over the last few weeks. I'm remembering how much I love teaching. How much I enjoy interacting with young people. I remember how much I thoroughly enjoy sharing my gifts with them. 

In reality, I think all of us are teachers. Everyday, we've got someone looking at us, learning from what we do and say. They are looking at how we TREAT one another. What are you teaching the people that are looking at you. If you were a book, what would they read off of you? 

What are we teaching the masses?

Be blessed. Be bold. Be beautiful.


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