Glass Half Something

For a long time, I always seemed to think of the glass as being half empty. I usually thought in worse case scenarios. In my mind, I was setting myself up to not get hurt. I was preparing myself for rejection. I was guarding myself from mean people. I always had a wall up. There were very few people that could penetrate that wall. It was like a fortress. I was not cold hearted or anything like that. I just chose very carefully who I allowed in my space because I almost intrinsically thought that anyone new in my life was going to somehow hurt me or use me. I thought in worse case scenarios. In my head, people would not like me or they would only want to be my friend because I had the answers for the tests. I never fully believed that people WANTED to be in my life. Even now, though I am married with children, and have a close knit group of friends that love me, I still get scared that people are going to hurt me.

I'm trying to learn to just be thankful that there is something in the glass at all. No it's not settling. It's being gracious for the gift of friendship. It's being grateful for knowing that I have when others don't. It's REMEMBERING those that don't. I have something in my glass. Whether it is half full or empty is a matter of perspective. Mine sometimes changes from day to day. I'm just glad that these days I don't ALWAYS look at it and see almost empty. My life is full of positive possibilities. I don't look for the worse to happen. I expect great....most of the time. I'm still a work in progress but right now at this moment, I've got SOMETHING in my glass and for that I am grateful!

Be blessed. Be bold. Be beautiful.


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