God is Not a Magician

We live in a microwave society. Everything can be accessed at the push of a button or a click of the mouse. Things are very instant. Sometimes, I feel like a microwave Christian. It's like I ask God for something and I expect it to happen right then and there. There are times when I want God to pull a rabbit out of His hat and have just what I asked for available to me right then. I know, God does not work like that. He does not grant wishes like a genie. Nor does He have a deck of cards that He can perform great mind-blowing tricks with.

The Book of Isaiah says: "They that wait on the Lord, will renew their strength" (Is. 40:31). As Biblical prophets go, Isaiah seemed to know his stuff but I'm going to go ahead and say it: waiting SUCKS! I have to remember that sometimes waiting for something is God's way of pruning me and preparing me for what WILL come. Waiting is a test of will power that sometimes, I don't think I have. Waiting on something to happen can oftentimes feel like a denial of those things that I have asked God to provide.  To be honest, sometimes the feeling of denial is not just a feeling. Sometimes God will say no to your request because for some reason, what you've asked God for is not what He wants for you at this time.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to fully understand the notion that a DELAY is NOT a denial. We ask for what we want and sometime it just takes a while for us to get it. I fully believe that some of those things that we want we are not READY for so we have to grow and mature in some facet of our lives. So no, God will not just give me what I want, when I want it, how I want it. Sometimes I have to wait. Sometimes I have to sit still and have undeniable faith that things are working for my good.

God is not a wishing well that I can just drop a penny in in hopes that I get a good grade on the test that I did not study for. Prayer is not like that. God is not like that. We need to stop being like that with Him. We need to stop expecting that He will do all the work for us when we have not put in work to make it happen as well. How can we expect God to bless us with a promotion on our job if we come to work late everyday. If He cannot trust us in small matters, He can't trust us in big ones. No, God is not a magician. He is not a wishing well. He's not just saying no to some things because He has nothing else to do with us. God wants what is best for us. He KNOWS what is best for us. He knows our hearts. We have to be patient. We have to realize that we have to do what we need to do so that when God does open the door or the window for us, we know the blessings that come will be great because we've already praised Him in the hallway.

Be blessed. Be bold. Be beautiful. 


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