God is Not a Magician
We live in a microwave society. Everything can be accessed at the push of a button or a click of the mouse. Things are very instant. Sometimes, I feel like a microwave Christian. It's like I ask God for something and I expect it to happen right then and there. There are times when I want God to pull a rabbit out of His hat and have just what I asked for available to me right then. I know, God does not work like that. He does not grant wishes like a genie. Nor does He have a deck of cards that He can perform great mind-blowing tricks with. The Book of Isaiah says: "They that wait on the Lord, will renew their strength" (Is. 40:31). As Biblical prophets go, Isaiah seemed to know his stuff but I'm going to go ahead and say it: waiting SUCKS! I have to remember that sometimes waiting for something is God's way of pruning me and preparing me for what WILL come. Waiting is a test of will power that sometimes, I don't think I have. Waiting on something to happen ...