You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

I am overwhelmingly tired. I am sad. I am depressed. I have been in bed for almost a week. I am moody to the point of bitchiness. I am sullen. I have cried more in this last week and a half than I care to tell you about. I feel empty. In this time, I have only reached out to a few people. Not because I don't have people around me to support me but because I don't want to feel like a burden to them. In the times that I do reach out, the question that everyone asks me is "what do you need?" Even my therapist has asked me this question. I still cannot answer it. Because I feel so empty, I don't know what I need to fill it back up. I was told that I'm a mother , I'm not allowed to shut down. I was also told that this week when the only thing that comforted me was sleep and a dark room, that some people wouldn't or didn't notice it because it's what I do anyway. Both of these statements hurt my feelings. Sometimes I think, what do I have to...